Yogini Lilac Lavender Soap & Oil

Indulge in our remarkable Lilac Lavender Soap and replenish your skin. The combination of pure lilac and lavender has many medicinal benefits and will heal headaches and act as a cough suppressant. The plush scent of this soap will act as a balm to your soul. With its sedative properties Lilac Lavender Soap is also good for healing burns and scalds. May you bathe in the delight of your own pure awareness!

The combination of pure lilac and lavender oil has not one but many medicinal benefits. It acts as a cough suppressant, heals headache and is good for nervous disorders. Yogini Lilac Lavender Oil has good sedative properties and is good for healing burns and scalds.

contains one 2.8 oz natural soap bar and 12 ml body oil