Tibetan Hotsprings Essential Oil: Pure Artemesia

Called khenpa in Tibetan, but more commonly known as mugwort, it is also regarded as a woman's plant, and has been used as a womb tonic and for treating painful or delayed menstruation. Artemesia is a healing plant with diverse uses, as demonstrated by its various applications in Nepal. For example, in West Nepal an infusion of the leaves and flower tops are used for treating asthma. As a fever cure, artemesia leaf juice is used in the Manang valley, while Sherpas inhale the vapors of the plant steeped in hot water. In the Gorkha district of Nepal, the plant juice is used to treat sprains. In Chitwan district, artemesia is used in baths to treat scabies and purify the body for worshipping. Fresh leaf juice is applied to wounds and cuts by the Sherpas of Helambu as a haemostatic and antiseptic. In the Rasuwa district, the juice of the leaves is given for cough and cold, and in Morang, artemesia is used for throat troubles and to kill intestinal worms.

Made organically in Nepal by Whole Earth Herbs