Tibetan Hotsprings Essential Oil Bundle

Bundle of 4 essential oils: Juniper, Rhododendron, Artemisia, Cedarwood.

Juniper - Called shukpa in Tibetan, mountain juniper berry oil is good for boosting the immune system against colds, flu and infections,. It has a stimulating scent, and works on the nervous system to treat anxiety, nervous tension and stress related conditions. This oil is formulated to energize and invigorate.

Rhododendron - Few realize that anthopogon, known more commonly as rhododendron and found so prolifically throughout European and North American gardens today, is native to the Himalaya. Known more for its brilliant blossoming that covers hillsides from Bhutan to central Nepal, few have encountered its fragrant and unique scent, let alone traditional therapeutic properties. In the Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan medicine tradition), anthopogon (known locally as balu karpo or sunpati) grows as a shrub on open slopes from 3300 - 5100 meters. Tibetan medical texts describe rhododendron's ability to promote heat in the body. The leaves and fresh flowers are made into a tea by Himalayan healers and drunk to stimulate appetite and relieve liver disorders. Anthopogen tea is also drunk for sore throat, and to counteract water-earth illnesses, fire headaches, fire back pain, cold, blood disorders, bone disease, potato allergies, and vomiting. Most significantly, anthopogen has been collected and gathered by high Himalayan people from Dolpo, Mustang to the Sherpas and Bhutanese as a sacred fragrant substance to be burnt in offering to please and harmonize the earthly divine-especially local earth spirits. It is one of five common Himalayan incense herbs symbolizing the elements that are offered to sanctify and pacify the environment. Rhododendron essential oil added to a massage oil is good for sore muscles, and its fragrance helps aid deep tissue relaxation. Almost balsamic in scent, it can be used on the skin and hair. According to Himalayan aromatherapy, rhododendron has grounding, calming, and centering properties.

Artemisia - Called khenpa in Tibetan, but more commonly known as mugwort, it is also regarded as a woman's plant, and has been used as a womb tonic and for treating painful or delayed menstruation. Artemesia is a healing plant with diverse uses, as demonstrated by its various applications in Nepal. For example, in West Nepal an infusion of the leaves and flower tops are used for treating asthma. As a fever cure, artemesia leaf juice is used in the Manang valley, while Sherpas inhale the vapors of the plant steeped in hot water. In the Gorkha district of Nepal, the plant juice is used to treat sprains. In Chitwan district, artemesia is used in baths to treat scabies and purify the body for worshipping. Fresh leaf juice is applied to wounds and cuts by the Sherpas of Helambu as a haemostatic and antiseptic. In the Rasuwa district, the juice of the leaves is given for cough and cold, and in Morang, artemesia is used for throat troubles and to kill intestinal worms.

Cedarwood - Cedarwood's mountain tree scent is used to dispel nervous tension and stress-related conditions by providing a sense of clarity and connectedness. Spiritually, it can be used when developing or mastering a pranayama (breathing exercise). Can be applied to the skin added to a hot bath, used for steam inhalation or out on an aromatherapy diffuser.

Made organically in Nepal by Whole Earth Herbs
Each 5mL